

Simply click on the words in bold and blue to be magically transported to the page with all the videos on it!

Sushi Cat

For those of you who absolutely love the Sushi Cat Game, these are some cut scenes and soundtracks from the game.

Stick Fights

For those of you who absolutely love seing stick figures assault and kill each other, this is for you!


This is for all you people who love watching NigaHiga vids. For those noobs who don't know, NigaHiga's vids are insanely funny.


For you noobs who just like watching REALLY retarded fails, this page is dedicated to you.


All the latest vids from your favorite Comedy youtuber!


An update on one of the most popular guys on youtube
Here at liquidcrystal, we are huge fans and supporters of freddiew. This widget will allow you to view his most recent posts and their descriptions, so it is sort of like a mini version of his Channel! You can also use this widget on your site and/or blog.